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In July 2016, I moved to Southeast Asia to participate in a Princeton-in-Asia fellowship. I'm working for a public health nonprofit in Viet Nam's booming southern metropolis -- Ho Chi Minh City.

The travel bug bit me early in life. I visited Thailand and Cambodia with my family when I was 10 years old. After just two weeks abroad, I was hooked. My favorite thing about traveling is the intersection of new cultures and one of life's most glorious neccesities - food. Some of my favorite memories from childhood are helping my dad make dinner in my family's kitchen. Food unlocks the heart of a culture.

I grew up in a small suburb of Washington, D.C., and recently graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park. I've been playing guitar since I was 7 years old, love running and have watched each episode of "The Office" at least three times.

Interested in learning more about my professional experiences? Visit my website or LinkedIn profile.

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